Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Angels in us.

It was one of those mornings I wished the snow would pile and warrant a liberal leave.

I had struggled to get off the bed in the morning and finally struggled into my suit, a quick peek at the mirror, picked the lunch bag readily packed and sitting on the dining table, and finally, the dear old blackberry. How could you ever leave home without one. The corporate world has just about perfected that need to get your thumb rolling from the time you wake in the morning, till just moments before you hit your bed at night.

The train that passes by my neighborhood station isnt particularly known to be lenient with accomodating late comers. I had been burnt by this experience several times, and this particular monday morning wasnt a day to make another attempt. I started down my alley, the usual STOP sign, mumble a silent prayer under my breath to get the school-bus driver moving, and then finally i was on my route. The drive to the station would take six minutes. Although I could do it in less time, thanks to the county police who were always readily in sight, it would be futile to try. I made it down to the station in seven mins, with ample time to wait for the train.

Seeing that i had a few minutes, I try to catch up on the minute details of my presentation at work that morning, indulged in a little mock rehearsal, and then switched my radio-set to the chattering of one of the early morning radio shows until i heard the train in its tracks.

I quickly catch the train, look for a comfortable spot, my usual quiet coach where i could hide from the morning chatterboxes on their cell phones. I had barely settled into my corner to conclude the remainder part of my morning sleep, when i heard that familiar voice "tickets please". Oh gosh! why dont they ever come at some other time i silently thought to myself undulating inbetween sleep and wake. I struggle briefly with my bag.

My ticket has a special reserved spot in my work bag. This pouch came in handy and accessible so as not to interrupt my brickbreaker game on my blackberry.. a favorite companion on this compelled trip to a place called office where i would spend the next twelve hours of the day. I sift thru my pockets, again and again, i feel the emptiness. Jeez please, tell me this is not happening.

It was one of those days when i had no cash on me. Of course the train conductor would not accept a check, Card? dont even think about it. "Tickets please" the voice bellows again, this time standing right above me. I fiddle one more time with my bag and belongings. Had i left it at home? in the car? I couldnt recall anymore.

Sir, would you give me some time to look through my stuff i pleaded. "Take your time and search properly" came the seemingly polite gesture. I kept wishing his politeness came from his heart and would soon find out.

At this point, im beginning to feel pressured. The blame game and bulk pushing begins. why did i stay that extra hour in bed; i silently asked myself. It must be the texture of the pants i had on yesterday; or maybe the model of my car with no exposed coin compartment.
That haunting nursery rhyme keeps repeating in my head "Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a boy healthy, wealthy and wise".. how true. I try to shut away the rhyme but it wouldnt go away.

One final attempt from me "would you take a check sir, i cant seem to find my ticket" i asked pitifully. "Nope", came the quick response. You would need to get down now he continues. Get down? i think to myself. The next train wouldnt be till another hour and half. At this time, my mind rushes thru many of the possible scenarios about to play out. I get to work late, those billable hours, that morning meeting, my early morning deadline, the conference call at 10am. oh No! why today?.

"Sir you have to leave now!" I mumble a slight unsayable and begin to gather my stuff quickly. Then comes an angel. It had to be an angel because he had heard everything that played out in my head and seemed to quietly wait for me to exhaust my options.
"Not to worry, ild handle it" he says. I perfectly understand. He whips out a ten dollar bill.

To be continued.......

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